Site Review


YourSmokingFetish is the free sex tube you need if you have a thing for hot chicks smoking cigarettes or any kinks related to smoking. This free sex tube comes with content from all across the internet. You can stream it all for free with no strings attached and with no aggressive ads. Most of the videos on this site are coming from independent models. You will find some porn stars smoking and masturbating or sucking cock. But the best content comes from independent underground models creating content for sites like Clips4Sale.

That’s because the independent porn stars are focusing on understanding the smoking fetish. They know what the audience wants, and they offer it in excellent solo JOI videos in which they break the fourth wall to please your smoking fetish in a much more immersive manner. There’s also a bit of extreme smoking fetish, such as mistresses using slaves as ashtrays or even pregnant women smoking. What we appreciate about this site is the model index. Even though most of the babes smoking in the videos on the site are not major porn stars, but independent models, they still have profiles you can check out with all the videos of them that the library holds.

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