Pegas Productions is a premium, exclusive porn company that brings us the hottest videos and scenes from all over America! It’s a mix of the hottest all-American babes, Canuck chicks and French-Canadian sluts that want nothing more than to suck and fuck like there’s no tomorrow. The site boasts with thousands of hot videos, amazing collection that will simply blow your mind. They have several sites in their network, more than 20 categories of videos (from ebony and fauxcest to teens and MILFs) and around 500 girls on their payroll. Another major selling point is that they’re updating regularly several times per week and you can also get a lot of discounts with their partner sites.
Since their content is 100% exclusive and original, it’s okay to pay $24.95 for 1 month of full membership. Paying members can also download everything and you’ll be getting a lot of bonus content. $54.95 is enough for 3 months of membership, while $84.95 will get you that nice 12-month membership. To make the long story short – this is a site that you should definitely put in your bookmarks. It has all of the hottest names in today’s porn, booming production and amazing scenes that will make you cum quicker than you can become their member!