XFrenchies is an excellent porn tube site coming to us from France. It was initially dedicated to the French public. But the collection grew so beautifully and the interface evolved so nicely that they decided to launch it internationally. Now it has versions in English, Italian, German and Spanish. But the content is still the kind of porn that French people watch. And they watch a lot of porn from their country. If you want to see hot French chicks in solo or hardcore porn movies, you will find a naughty treasure on this free tube.
There’s a lot of real amateur content in this collection. Some real wives and girlfriends sucking dick and getting fucked in awesome POV. Besides regular sex tapes, you will also find lots of threesome videos, swinging, cuckolding, and cheating. But there’s also porn from French sites featuring French porn stars. There’s a small model index on this site. But what’s cool about it is that only French performers are featured in it. And some are not regular porn stars. You will find many OnlyFan amateurs, and the site has leaked content from their profiles.