One of the oldest porn place on the Internet, SwapSmut.com is happy to tell you that they are around since June 2009. They are a real amateur porn community and it is a great honor to see so much amateur content in one place.
If you will access the homepage and you will take a brief look around you will lose your mind if you have a special thing for this type of porn. Everything you see is theoretically user submitted and you can take this example and upload your own amateur materials. For that you will need an account, but it is free to register. They say that if you will upload videos and pictures you will get a FREE VIP status and this way everyone on this community will know what type of kinky member you are.
It is hard to give you hints about this crazy place. The best thing you can do is to take a walk on the SwapSmut boulevard of dreams and free amateur porn. On every bus stop you will find some hot housewife enjoying her sexual life and on every corner an 18+ drop dead gorgeous teen will wink at you.