Site Review


Laid Hub is one of the hottest porn tubes you’ll ever come across! Why, you might be wondering? Well, they’re a free tube with a lot of good content, but their strongest point is their numerous virtual reality porn videos. These usually cost a ton of money, but on Laid Hub they’re completely free! All you need to have is your phone and perhaps a low-cost solution like Google Cardboard and you’d be good to go. Their regular content includes anal, Czech, ebony, fetishes, feet, blondes, toon porn, compilations, cuckolding… Their categories are comprehensive and on top of that, you can filter the videos to see if they’re 3D, 4K or have 60 frames per second.

Users can register for free and then you’ll have more options, and their premium area is actually a different site for virtual reality porn. Still, they have some pretty great options and I had a feeling like I’m on some classy, paying site even though it’s completely free. This one is definitely a keeper – you’ll have lots of fun browsing their massive collection of both vanilla and fetish porn, and you’d need years to watch all of their videos.

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