Site Review


Welcome to, a french porn tube where you will find on the homepage their latest additions. Underneath, you will be able to browse around their entire list of porn clips. Since it is a french website, you should expect to see a lot of fine ass, exquisite porn videos, because we all know that what happens in France, stays in France.

Their categories list is filled with interesting options: forest fucking, black and white, wood voyeurs, bukkake, casting, beginner couple, domination, double anal, facials, outdoors, stripping in public, pregnant women, anal fisting, vagina fisting, footjob, humiliation, lesbians, matures, orgy, squirting, striptease, pissing and so many more.

For every new update, you will be able to see a thumbnail that doesn't hold a preview, but it will give you a short description if you will hover your mouse on it. Also, you will know the title of the scene, the date of update, in what categories it can be found and the number of views. As you already know, in theory, the bigger the number of views, the better the scene. But, as you also already know, what you like, doesn't mean that everyone else will like it, too.

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