Welcome to the porn ghetto! I don't think that you will find 2Pac somewhere around here screwing some hot ebony ass, but for sure you will find a lot of women that are very similar with the ones from his clips.
HoodAmateurs is a porn tube dedicated to real amateur black porn. Even if they host their own adult content, you will find all the banners around here a bit annoying, but since it is a place that explores a niche that it is not under a level of big development at this moment in the porn industry, you will need to get used to it in order to be able to watch your favorite porn.
The categories page will give you a very small list, but the titles are more then attractive: interracial amateur porn, BBW sextapes, amateur sextapes, amateur blowjobs and black porn. What else do you need?
You can even update your own black content to HoodAmateurs.com and for that - surprise - you do not need an account. You will need a free membership in order to leave comments or to rate the videos. You do not need any kind of registration to watch the porn clips.