Site Review


Swegold is one of the oldest search engines out there – this site has been with us since the year 2000! That’s an impressive feat, considering how few people had internet back in those days and what you needed to do in order to get quality porn. This site comes from Sweden, country that made massage porn popular (even the term Swedish Masseuse survived until present day). But back on track, the site does look a bit outdated but it still packs quite a punch. You can find a ton of hot international and Euro porn, specially Swedish porn, on it and it takes just a few clicks to get to the good stuff.

They have organized everything in the form of tables and links, and their main table includes something like more than 100 entries! Some of these sites I know, some of these – I’ve never heard of them before! That’s good because that means there’s still a lot of porn to discover out there. Final word: Swegold might not be hugely sexy and attractive, but everything needs to take a look at it and find out how it was back in the early 2000s. You will definitely find some interesting porn and have fun!

UPDATE: SweGold is dead

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