Submityourflicks is a place where you can submit your own personal, erotic content. All the clips from this porn tube are submitted by users and everything you see is homemade. Naughty stuff, right?
On the homepage you will get the archive of this place and in the top navigation bar you will have the ability to see the most viewed videos and the top rated ones. You can save your favorites, but in order to do so, you will need to register an account. It is free, don't worry. Everything is free around here.
On your right hand you will be able to take advantage of the usual filter methods that you find in every porn tube - sort by longest length, top comments, most recent, most viewed, top rated, top rated weekly, top rated monthly and of course top rated yearly. If you feel lucky enough, you can even try a random video. Underneath, categories will take your eyes: amateur, anal, asian, ass, big tits, blonde, blowjobs, brunette, cam, casting, compilation, ebony, emo and many more.
Look into their porn content and make your choice. Push that particular thumbnail and you will be taken to the video player page.