The Elephant List is a very class yet simple porn search engine where you can find a ton of hot links, discover new free porn sites or just use their search engine to find even more porn. While it’s not a porn site per se – you aren’t going to find any sexy photos or videos on it – it will give you dozens of thousands of links for some of the hottest videos and scenes on the web. And to be honest, I rather liked their Spartan design and their elephant mascot! If you scroll a bit down, you’ll see the search box and even more free links. They update their links daily so you always have a fresh dose of something new.
Archived materials include categories like big dicks, brunettes, clits and camel toe, toon porn, threesomes, Asian, nudist, Latinas and ebony, mature ladies, MILFs and grannies… You can browse the categories, search through what they’ve already indexed or try your luck with existing links. In the end, I can only say that this is a solid site, and while it doesn’t have the pizzazz of those huge tubes and flashy premium sites, it has its uses – put it in your bookmark bar and you’ll use it from time to time.