Badjojo - porn videos search engine! It is not the first one, but still in this era, a porn search engine is something you don't see everyday.
BadJojo has a good reputation and it does exactly what a common search engine is supposed to do. With one exception - it will deliver you the finest porn results. They say that they have the #1 engine, with millions of free videos. I cannot confirm nor deny this, since I don't have the ability to judge this statement. All I can do is to give you a close lookup of what this thing does and how.
They have some interesting links on their top navigation bar - you will be able to see some channels and the latest entry for each one of them. You can see keywords and a pornstars list with the top 100 most searched names. As any respectable search engine, you can filter your results by relevance, most recent, length or by date.
I took the liberty to search the keywords "amateur". To be honest, I was impressed by the speed of this search engine. BadJojo really did its homework. A lot of sources, thousands of results. I like it!