If you’ve ever wondered where you can read detailed reviews of premium porn sites, you need to check Paid Porn Guide out! It’s a nice little site that has plenty of reviews and critiques of the most popular porn sites on the web. Mind you, it’s a relatively new site because they haven’t reviewed all of the listed sites, but it still has plenty of good information that will definitely help you reach an informed decision. The site has nice interface and is very intuitive; you can discover all of the listed sites right on the main page. If you click on the site, you’ll be taken to a new page with detailed reviews and some information that will help you decide if you should become a member.
Another nice thing is that they have pro and contra bullet points, and they will tell you if the site is networked or not. There’s always a lot of confusion when it comes to networked sites, so this info might be quite useful. Overall, it’s a solid site and it’ll become even better with time once they fill it with more content and more reviews. Thanks to their info page you can immediately find out what type of content the site is hosting, do they have affiliate programs, who created the site and so on.