Jacquie Et Michel Elite is the best source of French porn, and that’s because the content of their collection comes from multiple sources, most of which are from the French porn industry but also from German, Italian, or Spanish sites. This is the number one collection if you want some French and Western European porn. With content from 70 sites, the collection brings hundreds of 4K and FullHD videos handpicked by the team behind Jacquie Et Michel. If you know anything about French porn, you know that Jacquie Et Michel are excellent producers, reflecting French and European open-minded sexuality.
You’ll enjoy everything that’s European in the kinks of this collection. MMF threesomes, femdom, lesbian sex, hardcore anal, and sex parties are mostly what you will get on this site. Some of the best European porn stars are featured here. But you will also find some chicks from US who had collaborations with European porn sites. All in all, this is a great porn site for those who are into dirty glamour porn. You’ll enjoy both elegance and naughty kinks. Check out some free trailers, and you’ll surely want to become a member.