Acuira is an adult-only themed website that talks about candaulism and how best to become a candaulist. Candaulism is a name given to a relationship or a sexual practice where a person feels sexually aroused by exposing, showing off, or sharing their partner with one or more people. In other words, you can have a threesome with your partner and another person. Another kind of candaulism is when sex and sexual activities take place between two or more people while their partner is watching. Candaulism is not similar to couple swinging; it is all about you sharing your partner with another person or people, or watching him or her being fucked by other people.
The site has stories about candaulsim, how to chat, and how to rekindle the flame in a relationship through canadulism, among other things. It is not a porn site but rather a blog where stories are told to educate you on this new sexual relationship. There are various sections on the site filled with educational material about the new and exciting relationship. There is even a webcam section where you get to learn how to use a webcam for candaulism. The site is originally in French, but you can translate all the material there by using the Google Translate tool and learn how to spice up your sexual relationship.