Tenshigao is a premier uncensored Japanese (JAV) porn site that features entirely real, amateur, gorgeous Japanese girls. According to the website, they placed ads all over Japan seeking young and mature ladies who are horny and willing to become JAV stars. And there was an overwhelming response of hundreds of gorgeous women and girls who were ready to become pornstars. Get high-quality, uncensored XXX videos straight from Japan with genuine amateur performers from across the country, including cute, beautiful teens over 18 and horny cheating wives. You will find Asian hotties dressed in different costumes and masturbating, and you also get to see them suck dick and get fucked without censorship. A majority of Japanese porn sites censor their sex content, especially around the genitalia. This is because of the existing regulations on the creation and exhibition of sex videos in Japan. However, this is not the case with Tenshigao. You get to watch all the sex action in HD quality without censorship.
Tenshigao is a premium content site, and you get to subscribe to enjoy watching all the awesome JAV porn. There are four subscription plans available for you: the 3-day trial plan, which costs $3.95 with limited access; the monthly subscription plan, which costs $29.95 recurring; the monthly non-recurring plan, which costs $39.95; and the multi-monthly plan, which costs $89.95 for 6 months of non-recurring.