LatestJav is a porn blog, written in a combination of japanese (90 %) and english (10%). Let me teach you how to deal with it, so you can browse around!
On the homepage you'll see the latest updates, blog-style. For every post, you'll have at your disposal to see, a big thumbnail. When you know what you want to watch, push on the title. You will be taken to the actual post and there, alongside details written in japanese, you'll see other thumbnails from the scene and the download links. Scroll down and you will get similar posts. But, let's head back to the download options - you will be able to take down any porn movie you want via some external hosting services like I am not sure if you can do that for free at low speeds or you will mandatory need a premium account. Every post that I checked requires paid membership.
There are other places like this on the web, so if you are not too rich, you should check them out. I am not really sure what to say about Latestjav - it is up to you to decide if it is good or not.