JAVPink.com is an uncensored collection of japanese porn videos. It looks like a blog and it is written in a combination between japanese and english. I will make sure to give you a complete guideline, in order for you to understand what steps you need to take to make sure that you will enjoy everything that can be found underneath their homepage.
When you will enter, you will see the latest additions. For every post, you will get big thumbnails where you will take a look at the action that takes place within the video. When you know what you want to see, push on the title - you will be taken to the actual page of the post. Skip the details written in japanese by scrolling down and see the download links. Push on any - you have options from hosting websites like RapidGator.net, AlfaFile.net, NitroFlare.com, DataFile.com or Uploadable.ch. Underneath this links, you will notice some related posts, in case that you want more additions like the one you are about to download. It is free to do so, but the transfer speed will be low. For higher speeds you will need a premium account.