Censored or uncensored? What type do you prefer? It seems that Jav For Me has it all when it comes to jav porn.
Welcome to JavFor.me - it is a porn website where you will find a lot of asian content that you can watch online or you can download it directly in your harddisk. It has the looks of a blog, but the adult materials of a premium website. Their categories are simple: censored, DVD, HD, online, uncensored. We all know how asian porn works and especially the japanese adult entertainment - it is impossible to avoid posting censored materials, since half of the porn that comes from there is like that. For every post you will find a rating system and by this, you will be able to see what others think about that production.
It seems that everything is free, but I am not really sure how the download links work. You will probably be able to take down all this jav porn with no cost, but with a low speed download. If you are a busy man and you don't have the available time to wait for things to happen, you will need a hosting premium account.