BDSMSet is a blog-type porn website where you will be able to download free adult videos and movies from niches like BDSM, bondage, spanking and others. At this moment, they have 14,035 pages. Impressive, no?
They post porn clips and full length movies from BDSM studios like AsiaMiracle BDSM, BrutalPunishment, FetishNation BDSM, FuckingDungeon BDSM, KinkyCore Torture, Paintoy Torture or WhippedWomen Torture.
The navigation bar gives you access to a few options and underneath you will see the latest updates. If you like what you see, push on "Continue reading and get Download Link" - the actual post page will load and you will be able to read the description. Underneath, you will have the download links. No surprises here, because you already know how things work: if you want low speed downloads, you can go ahead and take it down for free from FilesMonster. If you want faster movement and other options, you will need a premium account.
If, by any chance, you will encounter problems when you will try to download something from BDSMSet, feel free to access the "How to download" guide that can be found in the right top corner, to see what you need to do.