XFights is the free sex tube you need if you are into fighting porn. And it’s better than most of the premium-fighting porn sites out there. That’s because there are no fighting porn networks at the moment, which can offer multiple collections of different sub-niches. But on this site, you will find content from all around the web, offering so many styles, kinks, and themes. You will get wrestling and MMA porn, in which women are fighting in a ring or in a cage wearing nothing or just bikini. Their fights are preceded by lesbian sex in which the winner gets to dominate the loser. There’s also some femdom porn in which strong women are beating up men.
But there’s also some catfight porn, in which the fighting has more violence and degradation. These videos come with clothes ripping and the lesbian sex that follows is more brutal and it has BDSM elements. Most of the fighting porn scenes available on this site are available on the site in full length. The site is well organized and it comes with categories, a model index, and even a list of all the sites from where the content is sourced. XFights will properly please your kinks.