LukesPOV is a premium website that hosts porn videos of famous Australian porn actors. You get to watch the porn videos from a first-person point of view. You will see hot ladies giving blowjobs and riding cock in the videos. The content on the site is primarily straight. However, there are some videos where you can watch the models fucking with other women. There are also some clips where you can watch the ladies exposing their tits in public and humping on cocks in the wild. There are also scenes of women titty fucking and role-playing. The videos on the site are shot in full HD, and there are no ads on the platform.
The site has excellent navigation in place. As you land on the homepage, you will see a list of all the videos and all the useful links at the top. Though the site is paid, you can still preview the videos by hovering your mouse over them. To subscribe, you need to click the "Join Me" button on the plans portal. You can choose one of the plans you like and continue watching the videos there. You can buy a 1-month membership for $14.95 (billed at once) or 12-month membership for just $50.04 (billed at once). You can also buy a 1-day subscription for just $4.95 (billed at once). All the major credit cards are accepted on the platform.