Jacquie et Michel
JacquieEtMichel is a site full of amateur porn contributors. In other words, it features XXX content created by real amateurs. The website was created in 1999 and is full of thousands of porn contributions by men and women across France and other parts of the world. Every day, hundreds of new porn videos and photos are uploaded on the site. One outstanding fact about the site is that all the content is real and exclusive. It is made up of ordinary people who are passionate about their bodies and nudity. You will see them in very sensual and often very explicit postures. There are over 1,000 sex videos presented across popular categories like teen, ebony, group orgy, blowjob, big tits, Lesbians, and much more. The content is mostly of high quality, which is what makes it so arousing. You can stream and download the videos to enjoy them in the best quality possible on all your devices, including tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers.
Everything on this site is free including creating an account and viewing the contributions. However, you can unlock some great features of the site that will enable you to interact with the community, offer gifts, chat, and access the advanced search. The prices vary between 30 and 60 Euros per month for the different packages. However, you can select the trial offer at 2 Euros for 24 hours, which unlocks all the options.