Ass, the best thing in the world, will give you loads of it. Gorgeous girls doing what they know well with their bootie. The design of this website is pretty decent and clean. The main page will show you big thumbnails, sometimes animated, sometimes static, anyway, you will feel the need to watch more, believe me! At first you will think this is a pin site, at least it looks like one, but at the bottom you will see the end, and the next pages. Inside each post you will see more screen captures and a picture with small thumbnails from the video. You will be served with the download links, they do not keep any file. Everything is hosted on external servers. They user external hosting services like Deposit Files, File Factory or RapidGator. You will be amazed with all those craze asses and the skills of these ladies, but to watch that you will have to wait for your download to stop, unless you need more speed and for that you will have to spend some bucks with premium accounts. Even paying those sharing platforms, the content there will worth it without any question. Go visit them.