OpenSharing is a porn torrent site where you can enjoy XXX videos and photos uploaded by members of the platform. The site's default language is Russian but you can translate it to English with any modern web browser. Upon arriving at the site, you will find many thumbnails on the site which can be somewhat confusing for a first-timer on the platform. Clicking on a video thumbnail takes you to the video page where you can stream or download the video. On the video page, you get to see the video upload date, duration, language, format, and quality of the video file. New videos are posted by members every day. However, before you can upload a video, there are certain requirements that the video must meet.
OpenSharing is a free platform for everyone. However, you need to create an account on the site before you can stream or download the videos. You also need to have an account on the site before you can comment on videos. The homepage of the site looks old and cluttered with several thumbnails. The site looks the same on desktop and mobile devices. Navigating the site can be a little confusing for a first-timer.